Restorative Reproductive Medicine for Women
Creighton Model FertilityCare System
Know Your Fertility!
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System [CrMS] treats fertility as an integral part of women's health, not a disease. It is based on the daily observation and charting of biological markers. By revealing subtle variations in each woman's fertility cycle, this charting enables Gianna Center medical professionals to identify underlying problems at the root of irregular symptoms, and then work to correct those conditions without the use of contraceptives. Most powerfully, FertilityCare charting can alert a woman and her doctor to underlying problems or conditions before they manifest as infertility or pregnancy loss.
Reproductive health issues which can be addressed this way include:​
Hormonal abnormalities
Menstrual cramps
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Post-partum depression
Ovarian cysts
Repeated miscarriage
Premature delivery
Natural Procreative Technology
In Harmony with a Woman's Body
Building on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology is a bridge between natural family planning and gynecologic healthcare. NaProTechnology works cooperatively with a woman's body to sustain rather than subvert the patient's procreative potential.
This is a true method of family planning that can be used to achieve as well as to avoid pregnancy. When used to postpone pregnancy, it is 96.8% effective. When the couple is ready to conceive, they simply choose to use the most fertile days for intercourse. Used in this way, 98% of couples with normal fertility will conceive in 4 to 6 months.*
Unlike prescription birth control, CrMS has no negative side effects, and can be used throughout a woman's reproductive life. It is safe and effective for women in any reproductive category including women with irregular cycles, those with abnormal bleeding patterns, or women who are breastfeeding.
* Hilgers, TW, Daly, KD, Prebil, AM and Hilgers, SK, "Cumulative Pregnancy Rates in Patients with Apparently Normal Fertility and Fertility-Focused Intercourse." J. Reproductive Medicine 37. 864, 1992
Infertility Treatment
Restorative Reproductive Medicine
The Gianna Center's NaPro Certified medical team works with women and couples to determine the underlying cause of their fertility problems in order to restore normal physiologic function. The precision of FertilityCare charting allows NaPro doctors to identify infertility problems within six months of beginning to use the system to achieve pregnancy.
Once a problem has been identified, NaProTechnology offers a highly reliable, ethical alternative to the mainstream medical establishment's approach to infertility. At a fraction of the personal and out of pocket costs of IVF, NaPro Technology achieves higher success rates as measured in healthy, full-term babies. Based on 40 years of scientific research, these results are achieved with respect for the sacredness of life, the dignity of women, and the sacramental integrity of marriage.